
9 Tips for Losing Weight AND Keeping It Off For Good!

The most common question I get asked:

“How the heck do I lose weight and keep it off for good??”

Ima be real with you right now. The answer is not in a pill you can pop. Nor is it found in some injection or restrictive dieting program. You won’t find it in a magical shake or supplement either.

There are no quick fixes when it comes to sustainable weight loss.

The sad thing is that we are trained for quick fixes. We are a nation of learned pill-popping, fast-food eating, instant messaging, microwave-using, TiVo-ing people.

That’s not our fault - it’s the world and reality we live in.

The problem is that real lasting change of any kind is never found in a quick fix. We know this intuitively but our brain asks for the quickie version because it was taught to do that. Let’s paint a picture of how this process works, shall we?

There you are in your home watching episodes of The Wonder Years (<-- it’s back y’all!) and all of a sudden a huge fire is ablaze in your kitchen! Um, major panic, right? So let’s say you’re able to catch it in time where it does minimal damage. Phew. Ok. Everything’s fine until... GAH! ANOTHER FIRE! Put out the fire! Then another starts. Put it out. And over and over again.

What would you do in this scenario?

You’d find what the heck is causing the fire to begin with and address that issue, wouldn’t you?

Our bodies work the same way. All symptoms are caused by some underlying issue. You can address the symptom but it will either come back or manifest as some other symptom if the underlying issue is not addressed. This is applies to any health issue. It also applies to resistant weight loss.

The answer to losing weight AND keeping it off for good is this:

Find and address the root cause of your weight problem, identify your ideal body weight and implement a lifestyle upgrade that’s right for you.

Whether you’ve been struggling with resistant weight loss your whole life, or it’s something new to you, there are simple things you can start doing right now. Here are 9 to get you started:

Eat real food.
Ditch the chemicals, pesticides, additives, trans fats, preservatives, chemical sweeteners and sugar. Pile on the veggies, good fats and clean protein.

Eat the right foods for your unique body.
Consuming food you’re allergic or sensitive to will lead to inflammation among other problems. Doing a version of the elimination diet like my Unveil A N.E.W. You detox is a great way to find out which foods are causing you problems.

Eat mindfully.
Eating too fast, in a stressed or emotional state, on-the-go, or absentmindedly will lead to poor digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Eat slow, chew well and be present during your meal.

Portion control.
By slowing down, eating real whole foods and chewing well, you will naturally find the right portions for your body (which is usually less than we think!) Also avoid eating in an emotional state since digestion is not optimal and you’re more likely to overeat.

Clean up your environment.
Toxins from the environment, such as bpa, pesticides and dioxins, can cause inflammation and strain your liver - one of your major detox organs!

Sleep well.
Poor sleep leads to increased stress, fatigue and hormone imbalance - all of which lead to weight gain.

Move your bod.
Seriously... in any way you can! Find movement that you LOVE and make it a part of your life. I don’t care if it’s yoga, pilates, barre, dance (<-- my personal favorite), Crossfit, rock climbing, ice skating, whatever - make it fun and sweat! Our bodies are meant to move - daily exercise and movement help to prevent disease & weight gain as well as regulate your hormones and detox capabilities.

Address the stress.
Stress leads to increased cortisol production and a slower metabolism, not to mention causes cravings. You may not be able to control outside stressors, but you can control how you react to them. Find ways to cope and adapt that work for you in a healthy way.

Self love and acceptance.
Often times, we’re so focused on losing the weight and being dissatisfied with our bodies that we forget how beautiful and precious they are. The best thing we can do for ourselves is love the body we are in at every moment of our life.

If you feel that you are doing everything right and still not seeing the results you want, you could be dealing with a bigger issue such as weight gain from medication or a hormone imbalance (i.e. adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance, estrogen dominance, thyroid issues, etc). In this case, it’s time to get support from experts and put on your detective hat!

The good news is finding balance using all the tips above will help with these issues too.


