

Howdy Hustlas,

Picture this... you're on your Monday morning commute to work. Back to the daily grind, thoughts going a million miles a second. It's not even 8:30am and you're already pushin' the stress cortisol button on warp speed. Might sound something like this: I gotta do this, I have to remember that, I have to call so-and-so, I have to finish this project, I could really use a coffee, where is this bus? I'm late! Did I feed the dog? Why didn't he call me?
And that's just a few seconds in! Well, that's what my mind chatterbox sounded like one fine morning. I was starting to get so stressed out that I found myself getting anxious before the day even got started... 

And then I saw it. A sign. Literally, i saw a sign posted on the glass part of a Redeye box just as I was about to open it up for the paper. 
It said: LET IT GO...

Holy schmoley. It felt like at that moment the universe smacked me upside the head with clarity and wisdom in all its simplicity.  Let-it-go. Let go of the things you can’t control. Let go of the crap you’ve been holding onto that no longer serves you. Be grateful for the moment you have and be present

{sighhhh} Sweet relief.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and drama, we know this. That’s why it’s so important to arm ourselves with tools and reminders that help us stay sane in the membrane and in the flow. Here are some quick tips that will help you do just that in under a minute...

The first thing I do when I start getting caught up in “thought drama” or life on autopilot is stop.drop.and.breathe. Here’s a good breath exercise to do when you’re feeling the anxiety monster creep in: 

Breathe in as slowly and deeply as you can, hold that breath at the top for 3 seconds, then breathe out just as slowly until all air has been released. And then release some more. Repeat until sane. 

*Bonus* This breathing exercise is really great to do just before you’re about to eat - it truly helps with digestion and assimilation of nutrients, since your body isn’t freaking out in flight or fight mode anymore!

Divert your attention to your body - notice how you feel. Do you have an ache or pain? Do you feel really good? Notice your breath, is it shallow? Start at the top of your head and work you way down to your feet, noticing anything that’s going on with your body. This is a great way to stop the mind chatter and bring your attention to the present moment. We tend to forget to ask ourselves how we are doing and often don’t notice a pain or ache until it has become too much to handle.

Thinking about the things that we are grateful for, or that make us happy, can decrease our heart rate and blood pressure. It serves to remind us of the things that really matter in life and can put the petty things in perspective. If you have a hard time switching your thoughts, try things like carrying a picture of your kids, your pet, or favorite vacation spot to have as an actual visual cue to help you change your thought patterns.

In that same vein.... SHOW THOSE PEARLY WHITES!
Smiling, even when you don’t really feel like it, actually decreases stress! Fake it ‘til you make it? That’s what several studies have found when it comes to smiling - you can literally make yourself happier by forcing that grin.

Happy Breathing!


